

Michał Górzyński was born in a small town in Northern Poland. His grandmother, a botanist from Warsaw, had a significant influence by exposing him to culture, architecture, and nature from an early age. He obtained his Master of Arts in Industrial Design, specializing in the architecture of water vessels, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. Further, he deepened his knowledge in cinematography at the famous Leon Schiller National Film School in Łódź. This rich academic background led him to work for several years in the luxury yacht industry.

He continued diversifying his disciplines by working with many notable brands and award-winning design firms in California, Amsterdam, and Jakarta. With his solid leadership aptitude and agility in teamwork, these global endeavors granted him extensive knowledge in working with premium brands of fashion, beverages, and consumer goods. His particular interests in music, street art, and technology transpose modern renditions into his projects, giving them sensorial intensity and relevance.

Over the years, he has built an extensive repertoire of work as a creative synergist, infusing photography, film, music, typography, illustration, interior, and product design. He uses visual language to craft human experiences by finding balance in the synergy of creative mediums. With this precise and eloquent approach, he has created many noteworthy branding campaigns, experiential installations, and user-centered designs.

© 2020 Michał Górzyński